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Will Martin
Classes Taught

William began his yoga practice in 2013 in pursuit of rehabilitation from back injuries after a decade of extreme and competitive whitewater kayaking. He took his first teacher training with Baron Baptiste in 2015, and has since then accumulated over 1500 hrs experience with the Baptiste Institute by completing and assisting teacher trainings in the US and Canada, and with Africa Yoga Project in Kenya. He is a Tier 2 certified Baptiste power yoga teacher.

He moved to Calgary early 2018 to immerse himself in teaching and training. While away in North America, he uncovered suppressed grief and trauma from the loss of an older sister in childhood. He credits a large part of the recovery in adult life from this early trauma to yoga and meditation.

Following his return from Canada and a hiatus from teaching, William is looking forward to being back in the classroom. Expect to see him around for a while as he is also studying medicine at the University of Otago.

He holds a degree in civil engineering from the University of Canterbury, has completed courses in Vipassana meditation, and in leadership and trauma with the Strozzi Institute in California. Still passionate about adventure sports, William also enjoys skiing, rock climbing, surfing, and open water swimming.

William teaches with a disciplined focus towards being present, ultimately with the intention of bringing peace, ease and loving kindness to the mind and body.